Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Hey ya'll! So, this is my first update from the past two days! (Sorry that I didn't post yesterday, but I was too busy.) Anyway school has been a total drag. I mean, we sit in a class ALL DAY LONG and listen to some psycho, stuck-up, old weirdo, petphofile thing talk! Gosh! It gets SO frickin' annoying! JEESH! Hmmmm...sorry! Lost the happy, but the happy's back! Like O.M.G! I found out from C-Major that squeaky clean has been using our phrase! (For dalmations!) That seriously makes me smile hahaha Those guys are awsome! And I am SOOOOOOOO sick of the stupid bitches at school! ah! They are so gosh darn mean! Someone seriously needs to smack those hoes with a snow shovel, and I think I'm JUST the guy for the job! hahaha Anyway, I must dash! ttyl!

*Miss StarDazzle

P.S- C-Major, we SO should do the lovely little baking idea you had! It's brilliant!

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