Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Hey ya'll! So, this is my first update from the past two days! (Sorry that I didn't post yesterday, but I was too busy.) Anyway school has been a total drag. I mean, we sit in a class ALL DAY LONG and listen to some psycho, stuck-up, old weirdo, petphofile thing talk! Gosh! It gets SO frickin' annoying! JEESH! Hmmmm...sorry! Lost the happy, but the happy's back! Like O.M.G! I found out from C-Major that squeaky clean has been using our phrase! (For dalmations!) That seriously makes me smile hahaha Those guys are awsome! And I am SOOOOOOOO sick of the stupid bitches at school! ah! They are so gosh darn mean! Someone seriously needs to smack those hoes with a snow shovel, and I think I'm JUST the guy for the job! hahaha Anyway, I must dash! ttyl!

*Miss StarDazzle

P.S- C-Major, we SO should do the lovely little baking idea you had! It's brilliant!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Hello dears! So, today was my first day back from Thanksgiving break and boy did it SUCK, BIG TIME! j/k It wasn't THAT bad. (Thanks to C-Major!) It was actually quite entertaining at one point, seeing as how to BIG guys got into a fist fight in my math class! Now that was C-L-A-S-S-Y! haha These kids are just so darn stupid. Anyway, mommy dearest is calling for me like an insane lady again! ttyl

*Miss StarDazzle

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Hey ya'll, so, my closest and dearest friend, C-Major hasn't had such a great day and is in a bit of distress. I am asking all of you to pray for her.

And C-Major- I sincerely hope that everything turns out okay and that your days to come are much better. :) I will see you at school tomorrow hopefully! <3

Love, Miss StarDazzle


Hey ya'll! So, as you know, last night I went to the FABULOUS C-Major's house! I had an amazing time. :) Like, for dalmations and everything! And I got to meet her little "interest's" lol And let me say that she has lovely taste haha Anyway I am so glad to have such an amazing best friend. When I'm with her I forget all about the problems in my life, and that's an incredible thing. (Thank you C-Major! :) Anywho, tomorrow we go back to school which totally sucks....but hey, what can ya do? ttyl!

*Miss StarDazzle

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Last night!

Hey ya'll! So, let me update you on the whole cousin situation. So, I went to dinner with him and my ENTIRE family at this little italian resteraunt called A Taste of Italy. (It was quite good, might I add!) And I found something cousin cannot SHUT THE F*** UP! The entire time he kept talking and talking and talking! I wanted to smack him! Grrrrrrr! But hey, at least he's nice to look at. Anyway, last night was a total mind f****, because I can't remember everything that happened cuz there was WAY too much goin' on at once. Anyhow, today I will be going to the lovely C-Major's estate for a little get-together! I'll ttyl!

*Miss StarDazzle

P.S- I SO had to give a shoutout to Cinderella. (Toodaloo's sister!) She makes the BEST chocolate covered babies EVER! lol

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hey ya'll!

Hey ya'll! So, today has been a TOTAL f******* snoozefest so far. I am hoping it gets like a bagillion times better. Anyway, I've been chattin up a storm with Sister Patterson from "I Love New York" on myspace and let me tell you, we are closely the same. ha! I love that woman! 

Also, I added a new feature for ya'll! Now you can leave the FABULOUS Miss StarDazzle some lovely voice comments on the bottom of the page! So go ahead, leave me some! But ya better make 'em HOTTTTTTTTT! lol

*Miss StarDazzle

Mornin' ya'll!

Mornin' ya'll! Miss StarDazzle is in the motha f******* house! You know it! Anyway, I just have tell ya'll about this little dream I had last night. So, apparently I was on a fieldtrip with my entire school and we were at a hotel and I was sharin' a room with a couple of the hottest guys at school. I mean, like those boys are SO fine. Anyway, let's just say that a little somethin' somethin' went down in there. Oh god, my heart again! So, I thought I'd just let ya'll in on that little bit of info. And I'll DEF keep ya'll posted on the whole cousin situation, cuz I'm gonna be seein' him again today. Oh god, here we go.

*Miss StarDazzle

Leave me messages!